Five Strategies To Get The Most Of Couples Massage

Five Strategies To Get The Most Of Couples Massage

A couple's massage is a wonderful way to celebrate the occasion of an anniversary or Valentine's Day or can be an integral part of your daily relaxing routine! Here are some suggestions to help you prepare for the appointment.

Choose the Right Day and Time!

Do not schedule your deep tissue massage appointment on a day when you're already busy or have other activities planned. It will be easier to relax if you start your day with a cup of tea or coffee before going to your bed. If you find that a more relaxed schedule is not possible make sure to schedule your massage prior to the other tasks you've scheduled. It is not a good idea to go grocery shopping or do yard work after a peaceful massage.

Get Clean!

Massage therapists will be putting their hands on your body, so do yourself a favor by making sure you head into your massage as fresh and clean as you can. Take a shower before you go to the spa or make use of spa facilities like steam rooms or showers. You don't need makeup or style your hair. Massage oils into your scalp or face during the head and neck massage. will ruin an elegantly coiffed hairstyle or make-up smudges, so save the styling for later.

Choose your Food Carefully

It is crucial to avoid eating large meals or drinking prior to the time you begin the process of couples massage. It is uncomfortable to lie on your stomach to get an abdominal massage or leg massage when you are bloated or full. If you're having an evening or late afternoon massage, avoid eating fried food and heavy sauces. Too much caffeine can prevent your body from completely relaxing while you massage. A salad and drinking a glass of water with lemon is the perfect food to feel satisfied but not satisfied during your spa session. Although a glass of wine or champagne is usually part of a couples massage be careful not to overindulge as alcohol can interfere with the experience of massage.

Turn off your Gadgets!

A swedish massage, is the perfect time to relax, unwind and build a relationship with your spouse.  Deep Tissue Massage , work-related stress, from your friends, and cell phone games aren't conducive to relaxing. Screens that are brightly lit can stimulate your brain, which can distract you from the experience of massage. Make sure to turn off your devices a few hours prior to the massage to fully awaken your senses to the sensation.

Be Relaxed!

Particularly if it is your or your partner's first massage experience, it's good to be aware that your opinions and your comfort is important to the massage therapist. Decide beforehand if you would prefer to wear undergarments or if it is comfortable removing all clothing. You can decide, but you can be sure that you'll be surrounded with blankets throughout the entire experience. Think about if you would prefer a female or male massage  as many spas offer a choice. After the massage has been completed you are able to let the therapist know when the pressure is too firm or soft. The massage therapists want you to be relaxed and content. But, if don't speak up and they don't be able to tell what they should do.

These tips should help you relax and prepare for intimate couples massages. Call us today to schedule yours!